General Information about you
* IG-Nick: Pana (if its not already taken, didn't create an account yet)
* Name: Omid
* Game: Lineage 2 ?
* Desired Class: am not sure what am going to pick, if mana pots are available, i will probably go for overlord
* Age: 22
* From?: Dubai
* Time Zone (GMT): +4
* English Level (1-10): 9
General Application
* Why Senses Fail?: i like the clan name
* Why do you think you'll be a good fit?: i like team play
* What are other Clans you've been in?: i didnt start playing on the server yet, so none.
* Why did you leave them?:
* Why do you think Senses Fail will be better?: am not sure it will, but am sure we have the same interest and i can contribute in making it better.
* How did you find us?:
* What are you going to contribute to the clan?: if i take overlord, then you will all be blessed with my buffs :p
* What are your positive and negative aspects? (name at least one each):
* What is your activity? (roughly name hours each day per week/end): 4-5 hrs a day
* Do you have Ventrilo/TSĀ³ and a microphone?: no mic, but i can get one if needed.